<MISS = EAR, DES = 825:100:Federation space, RAR= 001,TIL= 048,>
//you got a friendly response, let's talk...
//but you only got here cuz no gots good counsellor or UT so,
#otherSpeaks, Some kind of transmission coming from the vessel sir.,
#captainSpeaks, All we can do now is make a record in the log. Maybe they can translate back at starbase.,
<MSG81 = Set course for starbase.>
<MSG82 =>
<MSG83 = <CANC=alienShip@SWAP=Target;Starbase_icon>Take us back.>
<MSG84 = Engage warp.>
<MSG88 = <HEAR=link>>
<MSG89 = Shields are going down! Get us out of here.<HEAR=fail>>
<MSG91 = We have vaporized the invading vessel.<SWAP=alienShip;explosion_icon>>
<MSG92 = The invading vessel is disabled and no longer a threat.<SWAP=alienShip;explosion_icon>>
<MO_CO_SYSFAIL = #HQCmd1,-,>
<MO_HQ_EV0 = 5,>
<MO_HQ_EV1 =Vessel suffered an unrepairable failure. Mission cannot proceed. Make sure appropriate systems and crew are present and that crew complement is adequate.,
#simOver,-, Acknowledged., #simOver,-,, #HQCmd1,>
<MO_HQ_EV2 =We are being captured by the enemy vessel.,
<MO_HQ_EV3 =Looks like the battle is over. Requesting our next orders.,
#closeMission,-, Return to starbase., #simOver,-,Stay there & download your records., #HQCmd3,>
<MO_HQ_EV4 =Alien does not appear hostile but communications are not established. Requesting our next orders.,
#closeMission,-, Return to starbase., #simOver,-,Stay there & observe., #HQCmd4,>
<MO_HQ_EV5 = ALERT: Warp engines not responding. Possible subsystem inadequacies or damage. Refer to System Performance Analysis in the outcome report for symptoms.,
#otherSpeaks,-,Ignore and carry on., #simOver ,-,Stop mission., #HQCmd5,>
<LEVTMAP = #blackHole,30,50,Black hole in area, #asteroid,80,100,Asteroid field,>
<TEVTMAP = #wearNTear,9999,-, #fireDrill,9999,-,>
<MO_SN_LR = 0,0,0,0,#nothing, ;>
<MO_SN_RF = 0,0,0,0,#nothing, ;>
<MO_SN_PA = 0,0,0,0,#nothing, ;>
<MO_SN_GM = 0,0,0,0,#nothing, ;>
<MO_SN_PR = 0,0,0,0,#nothing, ;>
<MO_SN_LF = 420,90,430,110,#something, Positive scan for living silicon-based organisms of indeterminate nature.;>
<MO_SN_SS = 0,0,0,0,#nothing, ;>
<MO_SN_OP = 0,0,0,0,#nothing, ;>
<MO_SN_GF = 0,0,0,0,#nothing, ;>
<MO_SN_GR = 0,0,0,0,#nothing, ;>
<MO_SN_IR = 0,0,0,0,#nothing, ;>
<MO_SN_PM = 0,0,0,0,#nothing, ;>
<MO_PRB_DATA = 0,0,0,0,#nothing, ;>
// unrecoverable failures
<MO_CO_SYSFAIL = #HQCmd1,-,>
// SMF Shields Malfunction Responses was M__89 --psm 98.09.19
<MO_CO_SMF = #otherSpeaks,The shields are weakening. Keep fighting anyway.,#fightEnemy,-,>